
[GameReady][VRC] Cyant Model 01

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[GameReady][VRC] Cyant Model 01

128 ratings

If you use this Avatar for Streaming, TikTok, Twitter or other platforms, even if it's just parts of it then please make sure to credit @Echanis_Enicha and Torinyan.

Concept Artist: @Echanis_Enicha (Check out their Twitter)
Model Creator: Torinyan

1.5 Update: You can now pull and use the Gun
(Optimised Blendtree Animator by Lunarvoid)

1.5 patch
It's a huge patch that adds new features and tweaks:

  • Added gun grab and shooting. Please use the Fist gesture near the gun. Use fingerpoint -> fist to shoot.
    Gun can be holstered back by making handopen.
  • Added mouth emission off
  • Added toggleable face and eye tracking
  • Added face emotion toggle (now you can have gestures but no emotes)
  • Added some dissolve on certain toggles
  • Fixed reported issues
  • Minor tweaks
  • Added GOGOLOCO https://www.gogoloco.net/ - separate version.
  • Backpack and props Texture Sheets become merged as shown on picture. (If you are doing retexture please merge textures in same way 1:2 ratio
    (just glue backpack below the props)

This is Cyant Model 01, a reconnaissance Robot with combat capabilities.

This Model Version 01 is made to seek-out and hunt up to medium-sized targets, but they're mostly used for scouting and stalking from the shadows.
If you are humanoid and being hunted by a malfunctioning Cyant Model 01, please take following steps:

  1. Be sure to stay calm, DO NOT PANIC.
  2. DO NOT TRY TO RUN. You can't outrun it.
  3. Lock yourself in somewhere and barricade all entries, quantity over quality.
    All Cyant Models are equipped with an over-the-shoulder laser to cut into all rooms, do not bother with heavy barricades.
  4. Send a distress Signal to the Tori Factory over the frequency 4625 kHz.
  5. Do NOT move between hiding spots, it will hear you. Stay where you are.

SHOWCASE VIDEO: https://mega.nz/file/PHgnxSpT#aL8ZnX_ET5udjT8o7Os-mpcckcOsf8YiQEDPIK-ODRI

Here's the artists twitter page: https://twitter.com/Echanis_Enicha
We have the rights to distribute this model with concepts of Echanis_Enicha.

This Avatar is rated Yellow (Medium)
PhysBones implemented


  • Game-Ready Avatar: Cyant Model 01
  • Facetracking Version of the Avatar included, all set up.
  • Ready to use, please open the "Scene Open me" scene to load the avatar in unity.
  • Full Body Compatible and Tested (Please report any issues you find in our Discord Server)
  • Includes .blend file for easy modding
  • scene contains fbx-connected model
  • Includes Substance Painter mesh maps for easy texture work


1) Download the newest VRC Creator Companion

2) Create an Avatar Project via the Creator Companion

3) Import the newest Cyant Version

4) Import the Poiyomi Shader that's included in the Zip File

5)Upload Cyant via the VRC SDK (imported automatically by the VRC Creator Companion)
5.1) If you want to use the Facetracked version, make sure to select her in the "Builder" Tab in the VRC SDK Menu

6) All done!

Please remember to always use VRC Creator Companion!


  • MEDIUM RATING (Yellow Rating). It's very optimized.
  • Uses free Poiyomi 8.1.167 which is already included, make sure to import it.
  • 65000 Pory Total (Yes, for real)
  • Uses 15 Materials, 16 Physbone Components, 81 MB Texture Memory and 6 Skinned Mesh Renderers
  • Supports Full Body Tracking. (FBT)
  • Substance Painter Source Mesh Maps are provided
  • A lot of Blendshapes so you can adjust the face and expressions/gestures
  • Yellow Rating achieved despite complex exterior
  • Uses SDK 3.0
  • Contains .blend source.
  • PhysBones implementation - Parts of her will move (Tail, Ears, Laser-Arm and more) and even her clothes have some physics
  • The entire avatar is high in detail, if you love robots/androids then she's for you.
  • Please DO NOT use cats 'Fix model' feature if modifying any of my models in blender, the 'Fix model' option is for TDA models, all of my models are hand sculpted with better bounding and dynamic bones/physbones/twists, using the 'Fix model' option in cats WILL break it completely in game. Cats is a useful tool but don't use that part on my models.
  • If you want your avatar to look exactly like the pictures please use the version of Poiyomi Shader included in the Zip File.

I don't guarantee the same look on new versions of Poiyomi.

The character is over 18 years old, has a developed mature body, I'm not related to any user-made lore, nor any materials made with this model or its edits. It is provided to the end-user in SFW state. 


  1. I'm not responsible for any damage done, by the use of this model.
  2. All authoring rights to model belong to me, you are buying the right to use the asset.
  3. You cannot sell the source files or modification that includes the source model or parts in original or a modified state.
  4. You can sell attachments, custom clothes, props, etc for this model if you made them yourself. Your package should exclude any original data from my model.
  5. (You cannot resell or distribute ANY part of this model, but you can make your own clothes and sell them separately)
  6. You are allowed to use this model for commercial use (videos, games, events, streams) where the source files are not exposed to the public for download or use.
  7. Please credit me for the creation of the Avatar if you use it in any form like VTubing, Games, Streams, etc.
    Please also credit Echanis_Enicha for the design/concept art of Cyant. Credit Torinyan (us) for the Model itself.
  8. You may use this model personally, no public uploads to avatar pedestals (as no data on public pedestals is secure), please don't upload to your friend's accounts, you are buying a single license.
  9. You can share model data with a trusted mod maker to have personal modifications, this person is allowed to do modifications commercially. This person is not allowed to use this model, share it, or distribute it in any way, source data they receive should be deleted as soon as their work is finished.
  10. I reserve authoring rights on any mesh and textures that are made with the original data. They have the same usage terms.
  11. Buyers are responsible for any usage terms violation, that happens due to model sharing with a third party.


  • Do not demand support, I don't guarantee support if it's demanded in a rude or offensive way.
  • However if there is a problem with anything or something you can't work out you can ask on my discord server in the support channel and we will try and help if possible: https://discord.gg/Qn8Jag7BEV

If joining purely for support please use this template so we can help you easier:

Product name:

I made sure I'm using correct unity version and all recommended side assets(dynamic bones, shaders): (Yes/No)

My SDK is not beta and up to date: (Yes/No)

I've installed everything according to the manual and all packages are latest: (Yes/Please state what you changed)

"I'm not using any additional tools"/I am using additional tools which are:

Please state the issue:

"I haven't made any changes, I had this problem from the beginning"

"I made changes to the asset" - Please describe what you changed in as much detail as possible.

"It was edited by a trusted editor for me"

"I don't know how to do a custom edit can anyone help me?" - Explain what you want to change.

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